threads is a poignant and powerful story about mental health, friendship and identity. This latest work from Coalesce Dance Theatre uses stories from young people across the North of England to delicately weave together an emotive and uplifting contemporary dance and physical theatre performance about growing into adulthood.
threads turns the spotlight on mental health and how important friendship and support can be when it comes to navigating adolescence.
Performed amongst tossed away clothes, and a large wardrobe structure, two dancers use a highly physical movement language to connect and explore their intertwined experiences.
Coalesce invites audiences to experience this socially urgent new work, threads.
Choreographed by: Fern Wareham & Rachel Maffei
Artists: Puté Chomchan & Emily Barber
Composer: James Keane
Poetry & Spoken word: Rory Aaron
Photography/Videography: Elly Welford & Emily Davidson
Produced by: Run with Gulls
Supported by:

“Never seen anything like that before, it was intimate and moving.”
“I loved it, felt a bit awkward at first as we were so close to the dancers but then I got used to it and I enjoyed it.”
“Wow! He climbed so high and jumped off the top, I was so scared he was going to hit his head.”
“I really liked all the lifts and loved that they lifted each other.”
“I kind of zoned out from where I was, it wasn’t just a dance but a story of someone’s life.”
“I found it relatable, I understood some of the messages like clothes being the weight and baggage he carries. I felt sorry for him. It was really strong and powerful and made me feel quite emotional watching it.”
“I can’t believe that was 30 minutes, it felt like 5, time went so fast.”
“It was loads of fun!”
“I actually realised I’m quite good at sewing, I didn’t need any help and I really liked my creation.”
“It was interesting to hear how clothes are made. Not sure I’d start making my own stuff but my mum said it made her think about shopping second hand more.”
“I’ve never done anything like that before and it’s given me the confidence to try and create something new out of old clothes I don’t wear anymore.”
“I found it really interesting, it did make me think about how much I buy (from Primark) and the impact that has on the world.”
“Big thumbs up from me, really enjoyed myself it was loads of fun.”